Tuition Fees for 10 Caribbean Medical Schools

Getting into colleges or universities could be very intimidating, especially if it will be your first time enrolling in one and you have no idea about the process or admission requirements needed. An additional complication will arise, especially if you intend to apply to medical schools, where admission procedures are stringent. In other words, you are new to the concept of taking your first step towards adulthood, which is enrolling in college, and you have no idea what you will be doing first to start your journey. One of these major factors when starting this journey is the students’ financial status and capability to study, particularly in the case of international students. That is why, to help you find a university with this kind of factor or limitation, below is some short information about tuition fees for Caribbean medical schools.

What should students who are interested in studying in the Caribbean do?

As an incoming medical college student who wants to study medicine in the Caribbean, the first thing that you must look into is the medical school that you wish to apply to. Several medical schools and universities could be found in the country, and it will depend on yourself which institution you will study at. Choosing a medical school is difficult, especially if you must consider the factors that might hinder your studies. The process may be difficult, but the benefits are large because you will experience more than just a formal education and degree.

Caribbean Medical School Tuition Information

1. Xavier University School of Medicine

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 12,100 USD – 20,700 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

As you can see, the tuition fee at Xavier University School of Medicine Aruba is  $12,100 – $20,700 USD. Aside from this, there are available financial aids and scholarships for students, international and local, that could be availed at their admissions office. And this deal that the university is offering to its students is already near the affordable tuition fee per semester in private schools. The main goal of the institution as a model medical school is to provide the highest quality medical education as affordable as possible.

2. University of Medicine and Health Sciences

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 13,700 USD – 16,350 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

The tuition fee at this Caribbean medical school is around $15,000 USD per semester. University of Medicine and Health Sciences is among the universities with still an active campus in terms of students’ recreational activities, events, and other curriculum-related activities for a medical student. This is the university’s plan or way to persuade students to enroll in their colleges because they know that their tuition fee per semester is relatively above average compared to other universities. This plan was proved to be effective because according to some interviews, the activities and events of the universities are the reasons why students chose UMHS.

Check Also: Study Medicine in the Caribbean Medical Schools (7 Things to Know)

3. Trinity School of Medicine

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 14,600 USD – 16,300 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

Trinity School of Medicine, despite the relatively above-average tuition fee per semester, makes sure that all that you are paying to them are worth it. Trinity is one of the most advanced medical schools in the Caribbean having high-end facilities and the latest medical equipment. Paying them the tuition fee that they are currently demanding is a very good deal compared to other universities with lower tuition fees yet have outdated facilities.

4. St. Matthews’s University School of Medicine

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 16,075 USD – 20,650 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

The tuition fee at St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine is around $18,000 a semester. This medical school popular with many medical students because of its famous location in the Grand Cayman Cayman Islands. Even though it is true that the remedy you could get there will compare to no other institutions, the location of the island also has disadvantages in terms of logistics and inventory of supplies.

5. New York Medical University

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 4,000 USD – 4,500 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

New York Medical University is a medical school located on the Caribbean island of Curacao and is one of the internationally-recognized medical schools and one of the few foreign-oriented institutions. Having said that, everyone could already assume that the university will be a learning environment where the culture and population are very diverse. This leads to an exchange of cultural and historical background of medical knowledge, particularly for medical research, that’s why this is the best university to go into if you are to pursue research. Aside from that, New York Medical University is one of the medical universities around the globe with affordable tuition fees. It is known to everyone that entering medical school is very expensive yet this university is an exception.

Feel Free to Check: 10 Best Medical Schools in the Caribbean

6. Ross University School of Medicine

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 24,170 USD – 26,676 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

The tuition fee for this reputable medical school in the Caribbean is around $25,000 a semester. Being the most reputable and popular medical university in the Caribbean, the Ross University School of Medicine will not let you down when it comes to eligibility of teaching and the quality of education that they provide and offer. It is an international medical school that started in 1978 and started to grow its connections from only having 11 students at its establishment year and now having more than 2000 international students from around the world. To maintain its reputation among its international collaboration, the university demand relatively higher tuition fees to meet the demands of its students and faculty.

7. St. James School of Medicine

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 8,600 USD – 9,850 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

St. James School of Medicine is known in the Caribbean also as one of the affordable universities among all accredited medical schools. Despite being a private university that has relatively higher tuition fees compared to state and public universities, St. James School of Medicine’s quality of education and unique way of teaching medicine is very much approved and vouched by many authorities and also graduate students who finished their medical courses in the university.

8. American University of St. Vincent School of Medicine

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 4,500 USD – 6,750 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

Also being one of the most affordable and being the most valued medical university in the Caribbean, the American University of St. Vincent School of Medicine compares to no one in terms of having low tuition fees yet offering good education with high-end facilities and equipment. This medical university is your best shot in pursuing and finishing your goals if you have financial issues but still want to go to medical school.

Learn More About: Caribbean Medical Schools with Low MCAT Scores

9. Windsor University School of Medicine

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 4,990 USD – 6,490 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

Intending to provide a broad and exceptional medical education to students enrolled in them, Windsor University School of Medicine is one of the most accessible and affordable medical schools not only in the Caribbean but also in the whole United States. The tuition fee for this Caribbean medical school is around $5,000 a semester.

10. International American Medical University

  • Tuition Fee for Medical Program per semester: 6,000 USD – 13,500 USD
  • Tuition Fee Link

As the university name implies, the International American Medical University is an international medical school that is accessible for most students around the world. Along with its affordable starting semester tuition fees, any international student will surely include the university in their list of affordable medical schools.

Finally, it is clear to say that studying in a medical school is a difficult process because there are multiple challenges along the way, but the advantages that come from this process outweigh the disadvantages. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to check out the pros and cons of studying at Caribbean medical schools.


I hope that this article was helpful. If you are interested, visit the Scholarships Page.